Man working on his laptop
Man working on his laptop
Girl sitting with her laptop
Graphic asset
Graphic asset
Graphic asset
Man working on his laptop
Man working on his laptop
Girl sitting with her laptop
Graphic asset
Graphic asset
Graphic asset
Man working on his laptop
Man working on his laptop
Girl sitting with her laptop
Graphic asset
Graphic asset
Graphic asset
Man working on his laptop
Man working on his laptop
Girl sitting with her laptop
Graphic asset
Graphic asset
Graphic asset

AI-Powered Solutions in one single Dashboard

Want more efficiency in your organization? LaunchDash AI is helps you analyse every task, it's deadlines and deliverables automatically.


AI-Powered Solutions in one single Dashboard

Want more efficiency in your organization? LaunchDash AI is helps you analyse every task, it's deadlines and deliverables automatically.


AI-Powered Solutions in one single Dashboard

Want more efficiency in your organization? LaunchDash AI is helps you analyse every task, it's deadlines and deliverables automatically.


AI-Powered Solutions in one single Dashboard

Want more efficiency in your organization? LaunchDash AI is helps you analyse every task, it's deadlines and deliverables automatically.


Eliminate the frustration of learning the job

Use this template to release easy access details to your potential users about what you are building.

A graph giving information on sessions by country
A graph giving information on sessions by country
Graphic asset giving information on sessions by country
Graphic asset giving information
Graphic asset giving information
Graphic asset giving information
Graphic asset giving information

One dashboard for all your
employee expenses

Document task-specific knowledge automatically, without slowing down top performers. Show the magic moments.

Asset showing revenue stats
Asset showing a card with information about expenses

Everything and much more

Document task-specific knowledge automatically, without slowing down top performers. Show the magic moments.

Country Data

Document task-specific knowledge automatically, without slowing down top performers. Show the magic moments.

Active users data
Active users data
Active users data

Easy Navigation

Document task-specific knowledge automatically, without slowing down top performers. Show the magic moments.

Navigation illustration

Instant Messaging

Document task-specific knowledge automatically, without slowing down top performers. Show the magic moments.

Screenshot of instant messaging app

Read Time Data

Document task-specific knowledge automatically, without slowing down top performers. Show the magic moments.

Real time data
Real time data
Real time data

Level the playing field
between the best and the rest

Get control and communicate about the thousands of workflows that take place every day.

Record Workflow

Document task-specific knowledge automatically, without slowing down top performers. Show the magic moments.

Share it with the team

Document task-specific knowledge automatically, without slowing down top performers. Show the magic moments.

Keep it secure

Document task-specific knowledge automatically, without slowing down top performers. Show the magic moments.

Supercharge your team

Supercharge your team

Supercharge your team

Accelerate new hire ramp time, multiply top performers, and celebrate how work gets done.

Accelerate new hire ramp time, multiply top performers, and celebrate how work gets done.

Accelerate new hire ramp time, multiply top performers, and celebrate how work gets done.

Sign up for early access